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Oneki.js is a framework offering several libraries providing features commonly found in most React applications.
The main goal is to provide a framework with fully integrated libraries.

Example: the usePost hook of the Data library knows the connected user provided by the Auth library

Applicationprovides a <App/> component that allows you to start an application including a router andredux
LayoutA library to avoid unmount / mount of a layout when transitioning between pages
ConfigurationA central place to put all confguration variables (compatible with multiple environments)
State ManagementA powerful state management library based on Redux, Immer and Saga
AuthenticationA comprehensive authentication library that supports form-based authentication, but also implements the Open ID connect standard.
InternationalizationAn internationalization library (i18n) to make an application available in multiple languages. This library works with Create React app and Next.js.
DataA library to easily interact with a backend service via REST calls
NotificationA library to provide a notification center to centralize notifications in the global state and display them
ServiceA library to create complex services