Userinfo endpoint
The userinfo endpoint
is used to retrieve the security context of the logged-in user.
Oneki.js doesn't expect a specific format for the security context. You can put in what you want. The content of the security context is usually made of profile attributes like email, name, firstname, roles, ...
Example of a security context
sub: "de1ff3d2-0710-4f7a-9dd1-4aadb7d94b57",
email: "",
given_name: "John",
family_name: "Doe",
picture: "",
roles: ['admin', 'user']
The userinfo endpoint
is the only configuration parameter that is common for all types of authentication
Excerpt from settings.ts
idp: {
default: {
type: "form",
userinfoEndpoint: '',
The value of userinfo endpoint
parameter can have three formats:
Format | Description | Example |
String (URL) | a URL String. If the URL is relative (e.g: /api/userinfo), it's prefixed with the server.baseUrl from src/settings.ts Oneki.js preforms an AJAX GET request on this URL to retrieve the profile of the connected user | /api/userinfo |
String (token...) | A string that starts with token .Oneki.js retrieves the profile of the connected user from the (JWT) Token present in the global state. The global state is populated with the token during the authentication Must be one of these values:
| token://id_token |
Function | Instead of a String, a function with the format (context) => URL can be specified. Oneki.js executes it to retrieve the URL This function can be async | (context) => |
When the value starts with token, it means that the backend doesn't expose a userinfo endpoint, but the security context can be retrieved from a token existing in the global state (under the key auth.token) with the following format:
"id_token": "JWT_ID_TOKEN_IN_BASE64",
"access_token": "JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_IN_BASE64",
The token is stored in the global state via a callback function
Token extraction
if the value is
- token://id_token, then the token JWT_ID_TOKEN_IN_BASE64 is parsed and the claims become the security context.
- token://access_token, then the token JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_IN_BASE64 is parsed and the claims become the security context.
- token, then the whole response becomes the security context (there is no parsing)
userinfoEndpoint: '/api/whoami'
// or
userInfoEndpoint: (context) => '/api/whoami'
// or
userInfoEndpoint: 'token://id_token' //will not call the backend, but expects that the token is in the global state
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