Data retrieval
Oneki.js provides several hooks to retrieve data from a server via an AJAX GET request
const [data, loading, refresh] = useGet(url, options);
const [data, loading, refresh] = useSecureGet(url, options);
const [data, loading, refresh] = useCache(url, options);
useGet hook executes an ajax GET request and returns back the data.
The ajax request is made during the mount of the component and each time the URL is updated.
The data is stored in the component state and not in the redux store
useSecureGet is similar to useGet but adds a authorization header Bearer which contains the token received and stored by useLoginService in the redux store
useCache hook is similar to useGet except that the data is cached in the redux store (one entry in the store per URL)
Therefore, the ajax request is only executed if the cache is not yet present in the store or if the cache is no longer valid.
Mandatory parameters are marked with a *
Parameter | Type | Description | |
url* | string | the URL to which the Ajax request is sent | |
options | An optional object to specify additional options | ||
onError | AppErrorCallback |
error topic | |
delayLoading | number | The number of milliseconds to wait before setting the loading flag to true. This value is useful to not display a loading indicator if the request is executed rapidly. Defaults to: 0 | |
defaultValue | T | (only supported by useGet). The value returned while the AJAX request is pending. Defaults to: undefined | |
auth | object | Contains the credentials to be sent in the request. See Auth. Defaults to: no credentials sent | |
headers | object | the HTTP headers to add in the request Defaults to: no headers added in the request | |
params | object | Params in the url. Example: if the user is /user/:userId, options.params could be {userId: '1'} | |
query | object | Query params to add the URL. Example: If the final url is /users?name=Doe, options.query will be {name: 'Doe'} |
The options object also accept these additionnal parameters supported by the fetch API
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | T | the data returned by the server. The value is null while the ajax request is pending |
loading | boolean | A flag to indicate if the ajax request is pending |
refresh | () => void | a function that can be called to force a re-execution of useGet |
Minimal example
The minimal example shows how to retrieve data from a backend server.
A loading indicator (Loading ...) is displayed while the AJAX request is pending.
Cache example
Polling example
loading delay example
Show a loading indicator only if the data is not retrieved in less than 100 ms.
onError example
This is an example showing how to use the onError handler
onError with notification example
This example shows how to handle onError using the notification service