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Using form for user input

This step consists in introducing how to build form with onekijs

Building forms with React requires a lot of code and can be difficult to maintain.
onekijs offers a library to control a form and drastically reduce the code.

Final result

The result of this step is as follows:

New in this step

The login page now validates that the username and password are filled in.

A new page is added for registration. The form on the registration page asynchronously checks wether the username is available or not
Some elements of the form are displayed or not depending on the value of a field

Adding validation

Let's update the login page to verify that the username and password are filled in and that the username contains only alphanumeric charaters (max size 20)
The value of the form is updated every time the user enters a caracter. At the bottom of the form, We add a "debug" component to display the value of the form in real time
This real-time update also allows to have a real time validation.


We use the component <Input /> from onekijs. This component is a wrapper of <input> that can interact with a FormContext created by useForm


Adding a signup page

To introduce more functionality provided by the form library, let's build the registration page.
The registration page is similar to the login page, except that we don't use useLogin but a usePost to build the submit function


Two new hooks are introduced in the code below:

  • useAuthService: a service used internally by useLogin that provides a method to set the security context.
  • useRouter: a simple hook to give access to the router. This is useful to redirect the user to another page
  • useRule: a hook that reacts to a value change and executes some logic

If you register twice with the same username, the server returns an error.
We want to improve the user experience and let the user know that the username already exists as soon as they fill it in.

Let's add a rule (by adding a useRule) to verify if the username already exists or not by sending an AJAX request to the server


The router is updated to add a route for this page


Next step

In the next step, we introduce the concept of services which allow to add complex logic to the application.