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It is often useful to create a new computed property based on one or more field values and to automatically adapt this new property when these field values change. Oneki.js provides two hoos to create a computed property:

useBind hook

To create a computed property synchronously inside, you should use the useBind hook.

const result = useBind(binder, observed);


binder*BinderFunction receiving as arguments the values of the observed fields and returning the binding value.
Example:: (firstname: string, lastname: string) => `${firstname} ${lastname}`
observedany[]A array of fieldnames observed by the binder. You must use useValue to react of these fields
Example:: [useValue('firstname'), useValue('lastname')]


The output is the calculated property and the type is infered from the result of the function.


import { useBind, useValue } from 'onekijs';

const fullname = useBind((firstname: string, lastname: string) => {
return `${firstname} ${lastname}`
}, [useValue('firstname'), useValue('lastname')])

useAsyncBind hook

To create a asynchronous computed property, you should use the useAyncBind hook.
useAsyncBind accepts a async function as argument and only returns the value when the async function resolves. Until then, the result is not modified (returns the old one) but a loading flag is set to true

const [result, loading, error] = useAsyncBind(binder, observed);


binder*AsyncBinderA synchronous or asynchronous function receiving as arguments the values of the observed fields and returning the binding value.
Example:: username => `asyncGet(`/userinfo/${username}`)
observedany[]A array of fieldnames observed by the binder. You must use useValue to react of these fields
Example:: [useValue('username')]
import { asyncGet, useAsyncBind, useValue } from 'onekijs'; // or from 'onekijs-next'

const [repositories, loading, error] = useAsyncBind((staging: string) => {
return asyncGet(`/repositories/${staging}`)
}, [useValue('staging')])


It's a two phase binding

  • An observed value is changed -> useAsyncBind is executed. It forces a rerendering of the component and returns [oldValue|undefined, true, null]
  • The async function resolves, the asyncBind forces a second rerendering of the component and returns [newValue, false, null] if there is no error or [oldValue, false, Error(msg)] if there is an error


resultany?The computed property. The type is infered from the result of the function.
Returns the previous value (or undefined if it's the first execution) until the binder is resolved
loadingbooleanA boolean indicating whether the execution of the binder is pending or completed.
errorError?The error object if the binder resolves with an error

