The useForm hook is the starting point for creating a new form. This hook provides
- a
component to encapsulate all controlled fields - several helpers methods to control the form
The <Form/>
component has two main roles
- it handles the submit action
- it provides a context to sub components
import { Form } from "onekijs"; // or from onekijs-next
export const MyForm = () => {
const { Form } = useForm((values) => console.log(values));
return (
<b>Name: </b>
<Input name="lastname" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
const {
// High level API
// Low level API
} = useForm(submit, options);
Parameter | Type | Description | |
submit* | FormSubmitCallback | A function called when the user clicks on the submit button. The function receives the content of the form (= values) as parameter. Example: a function that performs a AJAX POST request | |
options | FormOptions | An object that contains optional options | |
initialValues | object | Initial value of the form. Example: if the form is used to edit a user, initialValues would be a JSON object that represents the user before editing.Defaults to: {} | |
touchOn | TouchOnType | Indicates which event marks the field as touched. The validations of a field are performed as soon as it has been touched. Valid values are - blur : when the field is exited- change : when the content of the field is changed- focus : when the field is entered- load : when the field is loaded- submit : when the form is submitted.Defaults to: blur | |
onError | FormErrorCallback | A function called when the submit button is pressed and there are still fields in error Signature: onError(fields, values) - fields : fields in error (key = fieldName, value = validation object)- values : the full value of the formDefaults to: No error callback called | |
onWarning | FormWarningCallback | A function called when the submit button is pressed and there are still fields in warning Signature: onWarning(fields, formValue) - fields : fields in warning (key = fieldName, value = validation object)- formValue : the full value of the formDefaults to: No warning callback called |
useForm returns an object of type UseForm that contains the following attributes:
Parameter | Type | Description |
field | (name: String, validators?: Validator[], options?: FieldOptions): FieldProps | Register a field as a controlled element. Check the Field section for more details Example: field('lastname', [required()]) |
Form | FC<FormProps> | Component that wraps all the controlled fields. It handles the submit action. Example: <Form><Input name="lastname" /></Form> |
getValue | <T>(fieldName: string): T | undefined | A helper to get the value of a field. Returns undefined if the value is not initialized. Check the Field section for more details Example: getValue('address.street') |
getValidation | (fieldName?: string, touchedOnly?: boolean): ContainerValidation | FieldValidation | A helper to get the validation of a field. Returns { status: null, message: null } if the validation is not initialized. Check the Field section for more detailsExample: getValidation('address.street').status |
setError | (fieldName: string, validatorName: string, message?: string, match?: boolean): boolean | Mark a field in error. Generally used within a rule . Check the Validations section for more details.Example: setError('password', 'complexity', 'Password is too weak', password.length < 6) |
setOK | (fieldName: string, validatorName: string): boolean | Mark a field as OK. Generally used within a rule . Check the Validations section for more detailsExample: setOK('password', 'complexity') |
setWarning | (fieldName: string, validatorName: string, message?: string, match?: boolean): boolean | Mark a field in warning. Generally used with rule . Check the Validations section for more details.Example: setWarning('password', 'complexity', 'Password is weak', password.length < 8) |
setPendingValidation | (fieldName: string, validatorName: string, pending?: any): boolean | Mark a field as pending validations. Generally used within a rule . Check the Validations section for more detailsExample: setPendingValidation('password', 'complexity') |
setValue | (fieldName: string, value: any): void | Set the value of a field. Generally used within a rule Example: setValue('lastname', 'Doe') |
The following attributes are also part of UseForm, but are considered as low-level APIs
Parameter | Type | Description |
clearValidation | (fieldName: string, validatorName: string, code: ValidationCode): void | Remove a validation from a field. Check the Validations section for more details Example: clearValidation('lastname', 'required', ERROR)` |
setValidation | (fieldName: string, validatorName: string, code: ValidationCode, message?: string): void | Add a validation to a field. Check the Validations section for more details Example: setValidation('lastname', 'required', ERROR, 'Lastname cannot be empty') |
submit | (e?: SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>): void | The submit method used to execute all validations, gather the content of the form and call the user-submit method Low level API, generally hidden by the Form componentExample: submit() |
values | any | The full content of the form It's preferable to use getValue instead of values to avoid having to handle undefined valuesExample: values.address.street |
validations | AnonymousObject<FieldValidation> | All field validations of the form (even of non-touched fields) It's preferable to use getValidation instead of validations because it takes care of the touch status and return { message:null, status:null } if the validation has not been yet initializedExample: validations['address.street'].status |
Minimal example
export const MyForm = () => {
// useForm expects a "submit" method called when the
// user clicks on the submit button
const { Form } = useForm((values) => console.log(values));
return (
<b>Name: </b>
<Input name="lastname" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Example with validations