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Core wrappers

The field method provided by useForm is the simplest way to register a field with a form because it's not necessary to modify the component as soon as it accepts the common props name, value, onChange, onFocus and onBlur
The downside of this method is that it's not very performant as it rerenders the field anytime any value is changed.

Field wrappers

Oneki.js comes with a wrapper for each React core form component. These wrappers will register automatically the field and provide additional props to specify some validators in a more "React way". Internally, they leverage the useField hook

Core componentWrapper

Each wrapper requires at least the name prop. The name prop must match the path of the value in the values object (e.g: lastname or address.street). Check the field for more detail
Each wrapper accepts the same props as the wrapped component but also accepts additional props for validators

name*stringThe name of the field.
The name prop must match the path of the value in the values object
Check the field for more detail
Example: name="status"
defaultValueanyDefault value of the field if not defined in the values object or the initialValues provided to useForm
Example: defaultValue="closed"
requiredbooleanIndicates that the field is required
Example: required
requiredMessagestringOverride the default message provided to the user if the validator required is not valid.
Example: requiredMesage="This field is required"
regexstringSpecify a regular expression evaluated against the value of the field
Example: regex="^[a-zA-Z]*$"
regexMessagestringOverride the default message provided to the user if the validator regex is not valid.
Example: regexMessage="Can only contains alphabetical characters"

Submit wrapper

There is also a wrapper for the submit button. This wrapper listens on the form status and disables the submit button if the form status is not OK

Core componentWrapper
<buton type="submit"><Submit>


Simple custom wrapper

const Lastname: FC<{name: string}> = React.memo(props => {
// useField register the field in the form object. It returns an object containing
// - name: the name of the field
// - value: the value of th field
// - onChange: the onChange method to call when the value is changed
// - onBlur: the onBlur method to call when the field is blurred
const field = useField(;

return (
<b>Lastname: </b>
<input {...props} {...field} />

// You can now use this component insde a form
// <Form><Lastname name="lastname" /></Form>

Wrappers from Oneki.js


Custom wrappers
